Sunday, December 16, 2007


OK-the plow has done the parking lot! Our son was just in an accident at the corner of Sturdy and Division, so he and the other party and a PC Squad car are out there sorting everything out.... :-( BAH HUMBUG!


12:45 P.M. SUNDAY: The sun is out, but the parking lot has not been plowed yet. We do expect to be plowed today, but the service that does it has many other customers besides us, of course. We've not seen any county snow plows out here on our drifted roads either, so we do not recommend coming until these things have been taken care of. Unfortunately, Bob was diagnosed Thursday with achilles tendonitis--in his good leg! He has a foot/ankle immobilizer on for the next 3 months, and is using a cane. He'll be doing the best he can, but it won't be as good as usual, I'm afraid... We ask for your help and patience this winter. I'll report as soon as the lot gets plowed. Thanks for your understanding. Be careful out there!

Monday, December 10, 2007


The ice on Sunday in the CCC parking lot, especially, was very treacherous. Bob put down cat litter and deicer, but nothing helped much. Today, the sun melted some snow and ice, but tonight it has just frozen again. We searched all over town tonight for deicer and could find none. If we get any icing or freezing rain AT ALL tonight or tomorrow, it will be extremely slick and dangerous, and we will have no way to help people get out when they certainly will get stuck. I would recommend that you call before coming out, and that you don't try to come during these freezing rain conditions. I'll keep the voice mail updated. Be careful, whatever you do. Even the dogs are slipping and sliding in these conditions! Does anyone know of a deicing or cinder service? If so, please let us know. I worry about my husband trying to spread deicer manually, after his two back surgeries and with his current achilles tendonitis! I hope to be posting again soon under more pleasant circumstances. Happy Howl-i-days!