Friday, March 30, 2007


Back in the day, we took our kids on vacation.... Now, look who we're taking! They're still cheaper to feed and they don't bicker nearly as much as the real thing! When we get back, we'll be diving in to get our classes organized for the spring. I would appreciate any ideas/requests that our members might have.... Also, we did sign the agreement with the fence company to change the small dog park as previously described, as well as to fix our entry gate once and for all... We're hopeful that will be done by the end of April. We'll see you soon.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


We are happy to announce that, barring any unforeseen rain, snow, sleet, or hail, CCC will be reopening at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 17th. HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! You will see that the ground out there is still in delicate condition. Please step gingerly, and avoid the mushy areas as much as possible. As we get back out there to enjoy the spring, we've encountered a problem that must be brought to our members' attention. Before the park closed, and since the snow melted, we have had to clean up hundreds of tiny bits of shredded tennis balls. These include bits with small pieces of jagged hard plastic attached! Either multiple dogs are doing this, or a dog that comes very frequently is doing it. Regardless, it really needs to stop!
Please don't allow your dogs to shred the tennis balls--take them away! If your dog is tearing up tennis balls, he/she is bored, and has too much time on his hands--and frankly, too little supervision. Pick up any pieces of tennis balls that your dog does happen to chew up! This stuff can be sharp and is not easily digested by the dogs, not to mention that theses pieces are extremely difficult to pick up! If you notice this going on in the park, we ask that you speak to the dog owner or to us about the problem. This goes for any owners not picking up after their dogs. The dog park is supposed to be a "self-policing" area. Every time B has been out in the park he has found stray poop. Quite amazing, even after 3 weeks! Please help keep our park clean and safe for all our members, both canine and human!
All current members will receive an additional 3 weeks on their memberships to compensate for this inconvenience, even though it was caused by Mother Nature. As I have said before, this is only the second time in over 4 years that this has happened. Conditions have to be just right... Hopefully, this won't happen again any time soon. Welcome back, and thanks again for your patience and understanding.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


When we did our afternoon inspection today, the ground condition was much improved. The snow on the west end is finally gone, and there were no puddles where there were yesterday. We were hoping maybe after 1 more day.....Now with the rain and whatever else the night brings, I hope we haven't lost ground. We met with a fence contractor today about some of the improvements I'd mentioned earlier. We now await the estimate. We'll fix the entry gate once and for all, and relocate the small dog area. First, we need to get the park opened, so we can get some renewals and new members coming in to finance these improvements! It won't be long....

Monday, March 12, 2007


We're sorry to say that the park still is not ready. Vast improvements have been made, but there's still snow on the west end, and it's still just too spongy throughout. The entrance, which has been one of the worst areas, has come a long way, but it's just not ready. It surely won't be long now..............We'll be in touch ;-(

Thursday, March 08, 2007


It seems the warm weather is about to arrive. I know you're all--rather, your dogs are all anxious to come back to the park! Yesterday, the sun alone caused the ground to turn mushy. Today, the snow and ice started to melt, and once again there are puddles in the park and parking lot, and the road is just wet. We hope there is little if any rain tomorrow, so that nature can do it's work out there. We have lots of work to do too. We both are hopeful that we can open on Tuesday. This weekend would be nice, but we're afraid that's just too optimistic. I'll keep you posted. Current members will be compensated for the days we have to be closed. No one is more anxious to reopen than I am, but we appreciate all our members' patience and understanding. Oh, Bob said to tell you that as the snow melts, it reveals all sorts of doggy doo-doo that had been hiding underneath! It's not exactly tulips...
We are talking to fence companies about making a few changes in the park. We're planning to move the small dog area to the NE corner of the park with a separate electronic entrance gate adjacent to the current one. The training yard will be locked from the outside, although still accessible from inside the park . If anyone has any ideas, or knows any reliable fence companies, please let us know. Speaking of training, we're planning the new season of classes. We're hoping to add a Rally Obedience class and we have a woman who contacted me and has experience teaching flyball! If there's enough interest, (and ability) maybe CCC can get a team together. Please let us know what you're interested in. All of our classes are offered to members first, at a discounted rate. When the training yard is freed up, we'll have more time for classes.
We're also going to investigate putting lattice or something under the railing on the porch--our concern is that some big rowdy dog is going to knock over one of our members on the porch! (Please try to have your dogs walk slowly and be calm if they're on the porch, and don't allow leg-lifting on the furniture up there.) We'll let you know what we think, and I hope you members will do the same. The first thing that needs to happen is for us to get back in business so we can get some renewals and new members coming in. Until next time....
think spring!!

Monday, March 05, 2007


In spite of the cold, the sun has turned the park back in to mush... We hope for no more precipitation and some warmer weather. We are dismayed by the installation of a huge sign over the weekend announcing the sale of lots across the street from our house and to the north
(not the flooded corner) for the "Prairie Ridge" housing development... We Knew it had been approved a year or so ago, but had hoped they'd decided to postpone it. There are supposed to be 70 houses on 30 acres. Now's the time to move closer to the dog park!

Saturday, March 03, 2007


We have checked the park and decided to open it this weekend only, while the temperature is below freezing. The park is about 1/3 ice, but it is solid. It is also very slippery, so please use extreme caution! We worry that if someone fell and couldn't get up, they truly could freeze to death out there! The training yard is a sheet of ice and is unusable. We will reclose the park on Sunday night, in the hope that we can reopen by next weekend. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Well, the park has been closed for 7 days now, and each day seems worse than the last! The rain melted more snow, and there is water everywhere. Although it's not quite as bad as 2 years ago when we were closed for 3's pretty bad. There are hundreds of branches of all sizes covering the dirty snow and mud that is our yard. Today it was so foggy for a while that you couldn't see 10 feet! If you can't tell, I've had enough of this winter....Judging from the weather forecast, our hope is to be open by the end of next week.... If the wind blows hard enough and we get a few days of sun, it could happen! We're sorry for this inconvenience, but you can't fool with mother nature.