Friday, September 28, 2007


This bulletin went out the the area media today. Please volunteer to help with this event.

The highlight of Canine Country Club’s “Dogtober Fest” celebration will be our first Dachshund Dash. The event will be held on Saturday, October 13th, at 2:00 p.m. (Rain date: Sunday, October 14th, at 3:00 p.m.) This is a fun race open to Dachshunds of all sizes and hair types, which will be held outside, on grass, in our fenced training yard.
Preregistration is required for all racers. Each entrant must show proof of current rabies and distemper vaccinations, sign an indemnity agreement, and pay a $5 entry fee. (Prizes will be awarded.) Race day entries will be accepted from 10:00-12:00 October 13th, with an entry fee of $8. All entrants must have two handlers, for start and finish lines. To register your hot dog racer, or for more information, please call Canine Country Club at 548-3604, or visit our website at .

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Sunday, Sept. 16th was a beautiful, sunny day. The turnout for our Responsible Dog Ownership Day Open House was larger than we expected! I wish we had a way to count all those that attended--there were 2 rows of cars in our front yard, and the CCC parking lot was full! We want to thank all of our members and friends who came out--including many CCC members who came to have their dogs' pictures taken. I think almost everyone was very pleased with their photos--I know we were. We have thanked all our exhibitors: American Greyhound Rescue, Bark & Meow, Burns Pet Health, DG Photo Designs, Katina Arndt, Southlake Animal Hospital, and Southlane Veterinary Hospital; and our demonstrators: Carol Richardson, Andrea Erickson, Porter County Sheriff's Dept. K9 Officers, Leslie Baumann, Kelly Kosinski, Stefanie Shideler, Sheri Floyd, Tara Stanley, and Emily Getty (in order of appearance). Last week, a sinus infection got the best of me, but now I'm busy researching Dachshund Races!
The big event will be Saturday, October 13th (rain date Sunday, 9/14), and will be open to Doxies of all sizes and hair lengths, CCC members and non-members. There will be a small registration fee for all, so we can provide prizes, and proof of the dogs' vaccinations will be required. We will need volunteers for the start and finish lines, as well as some stewards to help keep things in order. I would greatly appreciate any ideas, or suggestions since this is a new experience for us here at CCC. I was surprised to find that these Wiener Dog Races are very popular October events all over the country! Our member, Bob Lesage, came to us with this idea months ago. (Bet he thinks Beau is a shoo-in). It should be lots of fun, and if anybody has any experience with this, we'd love to hear from you! We're working on the details, but save the date!

Sunday, September 02, 2007


The park will be open from 7:00-11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. until dusk on Monday. We'll mow, etc. during the middle of the day. The grass grew like crazy last week! What a lovely weekend it's been so far... enjoy the extra day.