Thursday, April 26, 2007


Boy, I sure wish I knew how to use the computer.... As the tiny bulletin (that I wanted to be full size) says, we are now enrolling for our 5th season of Summer Fun Classes. Because of the changes made recently to the small dog area and training yard, we are able to offer more classes than we have in the past. We hope to start classes the week of May 14th. We will be offering Novice Rally and Flyball for the first time. We're very excited to be the only facility in Porter County offering these popular classes. We're also pleased to be offering the area's only Outdoor Conformation training. My dog show friends tell me that in the summer, many of the competitions are held in outdoor arenas, and many dogs get shaken up by that, not being accustomed to being shown outside. We're offering a Puppy Good Start class as well as a Beginning Manners (basic obedience) class this season. Of course our Agility classes (Beginning and Intermediate) become more popular each year. CCC members get first choices and discounts on all of our classes, and class size is kept relatively small. Please call us at 548-3604, or email to reserve your place in class. Very soon, our website will also have detailed class descriptions and bios of all of our instructors.


Friday, April 13, 2007


By now, many of you have seen the new small dog area. Of course, some fine-tuning is still needed--the gate latches don't fit properly and have been filed off sharply (be careful with the small dog one), and the fence south of the service gate is too high off the ground--our little Ziggy can get under it. Of course, the fence folks were supposed to be here today (the 13th), to make some adjustments and reinforce the main entrance gate so it doesn't spread apart when the ground freezes. Very soon we will be adding a garbage can and water to the area. The training yard is now locked from the outside, and will be used for the classes that we're in the process of organizing that will start in May. I've just posted the classes we're offering on the bulletin board... I hope you will consider taking a class or two with your dogs this summer. All the classes will be taught using treats and positive reinforcement--I've tried several of them and have had good fun. I'm looking forward to the flyball class--maybe we can get a CCC team together...Actually, an advanced beginner's agility class started today (Wednesday). It's the first time we've started this early.
Now, we have some other new developments at the park! The lattice is meant to prevent high speed jumping up on the porch, and to slow the dogs down while they're on there. Most of them will quickly figure out that the only way onto the porch is at the steps or the west end. We're asking our members to restrict their dogs' activities while on the porch. No running, wrestling, or romping, and please discourage leg lifting. We have 5 acres for those fun things. Some of our more "unsteady" members and visitors use the porch for a home base, and the lattice is meant to make it safer and more secure for them and everybody. Please feel free tell us what you think--if it's positive ;-). We recently discovered that the pop in our machine froze and exploded during the cold spell in February. According to people that know about such things, this is very unusual in our area of the country. Today Joe, the handy man cleaned up the sticky mess, and tomorrow we will restock the machine--just in time for the warm weather. (It's just around the corner) My next post will discuss some ideas I have for the training yard, and the classes that we're getting ready for. ***By the way, if you don't wish to register when you reply on this blog, just click "anonymous" and registration is not required. If you wish to say who you are in the body of your message, you can do so. Thanks, ttyl

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Well, our resident " pooperazzi" is at it again! We checked our entry gate transactions tonight. With this awful weather, we had only 11 owners visit the park today, some more than once. This number included a few new members... It's very difficult to believe that this prominent pile at the inside gate to the training yard, and several smaller, less impressive ones were "overlooked" by those people today. What can we expect on a nice summer day when 60 people bring even more dogs to the park? Seriously, this sort of "crap" is taking a toll on my husband's mood and attitude, therefore making my life miserable. I am going to be watching more closely, and may have to start issuing warnings and expulsions--which I really don't want to do! Once more, I ask you all for your help. Please watch your dogs closely, and please pick up after them. If the occasion arises, pick up a stray poop. We know most of our members are very good about this, and we do appreciate it. So, if you see an owner not picking up, please point it out to them, or to us, if necessary. We need your help to keep our park nice and clean. OK, I'm getting off my soap box and into bed.